A reliable and experienced hand therapy service from the comfort of your home

We provide a mobile hand physiotherapy service.

We come to your home to conduct one to one sessions in an environment that is comfortable and convenient for you.


How does hand therapy work?

  • We begin our treatment with a complete evaluation.

  • Your inputs and our expertise play a significant role in determining your goals for therapy. Ie. What activities are you missing? Where are you experiencing functional deficits?

  • We will create a personalised treatment plan to address your needs and meet your goals.

Treatments could include custom made splints and casts to help alleviate your condition, or rehabilitation exercises to build strength and support.


Exercises are used to improve the mobility and strength of the hand and elbow, therefore improving your functionality. Certified hand therapist at Sydney Mobile Hand Physiotherapy have thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology, allowing them to tailor a customised exercise program for each individual.


Fabricating custom splints, braces and casts are a speciality requiring years of specialised training. Splints can help decrease pain and stabilise joints to assist in the recovery of injured muscles, nerves and tendons. Casting can help stretch tight joints and muscles caused by injury.

Soft Tissue Massage.

Soft tissue massage is used to decrease pain, increase circulation, reduce muscle spasms and improve muscle flexibility.

Conditions we treat.


Arthritis (e.g. thumb & fingers)

Fractures & dislocations finger, hand, wrist and elbow

Carpal tunnel syndrome/ Carpal tunnel release

Post-operative, acute, and chronic injuries

Tendon & ligament Injuries

Elbow tendonitis (Tennis & Golfer’s elbow)

Nerve injuries

Repetitive strain injuries

Finger dislocations and volar plate injuries

Mallet injuries

Boutonniere’s and Swan neck deformities


Mummy thumb (De Quervain’s tenosynovitis)

Dupuytren’s fasciectomy

Paediatric injuries (e.g Erbs palsy, Trigger finger, Campodactly)

Wrist injuries

Ganglion cysts

Trigger finger

Post-surgical rehabilitation

Sporting injuries

WorkCover and CTP motor vehicle injuries

And many more conditions